
Eternal Championship

Eternal Championship is a class-based platform fighter, where 2-4 combatants compete in a series of chaotic deathmatches. 

In teams or free-for-all, battle in unique environments that change the rules of engagement wreaking havoc on the battlefield.

Will you be crowned victor?

 Game Trailer

Eternal Championship was a five person team project made in eight months and is a prototype to be developed in the future by Snail King.

 Early Development

I originally joined a small team how had start deciding the basic features for the game.

Local multiplayer 

The team decided that if it is not a fun local multiplayer game.
It would not be an excellent online multiplayer game. This allowed the project to remain in scope when developing with a smaller team.


We wanted a quick-fire gameplay style that allows players to jump in and play a few rounds fitting to many time schedules and not requiring a significant commitment when playing.


Each character has a Basic and an Ultimate attack. These basic actions were what was used as a basis to design characters. We wanted it to be easy for new players but with complex uses for advanced players. We later added a tactical ability which allowed characters to have a unique ability and something to use other than the Basic. 

We created this spreadsheet with the designers as a way to design characters and plan out all the variables needed when implementing them. We also encouraged every team member to create a character that we would strive to implement in-game, this was a great icebreaker activity for the team.

Character Spreadsheet

 Character Controller

We Used Unity's new input system to handle multiple players we began work on creating the wizard. He was a ranged character which with most of the variables needed defined in the spreadsheet the transition from paper to programming was smooth. 

This is when we encountered our first major hurdle. What kind of aim controls were we going to use?

Twin Stick (360 Control)

This is what was originally created, but during playtests many players were confused by it even when explained. Players found it challenging to get to grips with the controls and play the game without them getting in the way. 

4 Directional

Having the player shoot only in the direction they are facing, with up and down having to be held using the movement stick to aim in those directions. This also lets players use either the face or back buttons for shooting. Players found this limiting but easy to understand, they wanted to be able to shoot in the opposite direction they are moving.

8 Directional 

This was planned but heavily decided against as it felt like it would be a worse version of the 360 still needing both sticks and not solving any of the issues. 

After many playtest sessions and discussions we decided on 4 directional. 

Its easier for newer players to pick up

As a party game, we want new players to be able to pick up the game as quickly as possible. In all scenarios, people currently playing our game have short play sessions and we want them to get the feel for the game from the get-go

Players are forced to face opponents to fight

Making players have to get into the fray to deal damage and battle rather than just sitting back. When the players learn the game 

Maintains complexity for advanced players

The use of blind spots, the environment and character abilities allow players to continue developing past the basic inputs 

 Character Design


Primary Attack

Shoot a ball of magical energy.


A magical shield that blocks projectiles.


Shoot a projectile that grows over time.


Nilrem focusing on tactical defensive using their primary to keep people at bay and shielding when they get too close. 

This can be done in reverse to chase people using the growing super to take them down as they run.

 Sammy Snail

Primary Attack

Shoots a cannon ball.


Roll attack with a spikey shell (gives bonus armour).


Shoots a firework missile.


Sammy is primarily about rushing down players using your roll attack to get in their faces and finishing anyone with your rapid fireworks.

Ranged / Summoner

Primary Attack

Shoots a fungus projectile that speeds up over time.


Place a mushroom landmine.


Shoots 4 spore pods that crate poisonous cloads


Funglor is about controlling the battle field placing mushroom landmine and shooting poisons cloads.

 Dark  librarian

Primary Attack

Summons a book that tracks and damges players.


Shockwave that can knockback player and books.


Grows wings and allow flying.


All about battling from afar using their books to attack. Shockwave your books to give them a boost and use it on players that are getting to close, knocking them into your chasing books. 

If all else fails fly around the battle positioning yourself perfectly for attack.  

 Dragpn  Prince

Primary Attack

Reflective slash, when timed right can reflect projectiles.


Faming dash.


Summon 4 fire orbs that circle you


The Dragon Prince have the basic dash as well as your flame dash to close the gap with players, using your flame dash second to get its damage off you can slash at players.

Using your super for players just out of reach to throw them off and knock them into more damage. 

 Kaio Ky

Primary Attack

Stance 1: Power punch
Stance 2: Combo punch


Stance swap
Stance 1: Slow & Tanky.
Stance 2: Fast & Combo.


Summon Lighting speeding up Kaio ky.


Slow and steady or fast and dangerous, Kaio Ky's Coloured mask form makes you hard to kill so you can walk up to players. If players are too quick use your White mask form to rush into them dealing combo damage. 

Use you super to further enhance your speed keeping you locked in on anyone

Ranged / Melee

Primary Attack

Stance 1: Throws  tomatos
Stance 2: Beast slash

Stance 1: Super boosting projectile.
Stance 2: Beast ground slam.


Transform into the beast. (High damage mode)


The weakest character in the game when in human form, run away using your ranged attacks to keep people at bay until you have your super.

When in Beastmode it's their turn to run, chase them down and annihilate anyone unfortunate  enough to be in your way.

 Golden Gun

Primary Attack

Shoots a one shoot kill Golden Bullet.

Shoots a one shoot kill Golden Bullet.


Shoots a one shoot kill Golden Bullet.


When a round takes too long all players become the Golden Gun a character with a one-shot kill projectile.
This can also be achieved thought pickup and soem gamemodes.

Spam shots or try to line them up its anyone's game when it gets to this point.

 Testing Area

Part of the character selection is a pre-game area where players learn the basic controls and mechanics as well as the characters they have selected.

In place of a tutorial, this allows players to get to grips with the game briefly. Learned players can also help newcomers through word of mouth.

With the removal of a conventional tutorial players can get into games faster and with the rapid nature of gameplay they can "Learn on the job". 

All of this has been tweaked and changed through many playtests where we see players using this area.

 Level Design

Each level comes with environmental interactions to provide varied battlefields for each match. Throughout play testing, we tweaked and changed levels until they had the right amount of interactable features many of them focusing on just one feature.

Lengar's Dungeon

The basic level of the game includes instant kill crates when dropped on a player's head, ramps for angled shots and drop shafts for repositioning.

Frozen Mountains

Made entirely of ice this level is completely destructible leading players to fall to their doom. Unleashing a super here can rapidly destroy large sections of the level. 


A ship sailing in the middle of the ocean that's getting bombarded periodically by a blimp dropping TNT and missiles. 

Swarming Caverns

Battle on an array of platfroms that when destroyed create updrafts for the player to navigate the level with. 

Laser INC

This level changes based on the formation of the lasers which will damage players when crossed. Players can use the portals on the sides to help navigate the map and shoot through.


Press the buttons found on the sides to flip gravity knocking players around and into spikey objects. Watch out if the beehives are hit they will chase down and damage the nearest player.

 Match Settings 

I was also in charge of make match settings, game modes and teams.
These 28 changeable settings allow of replay ability and longevity.
The game modes are just per set for these settings to allow for new and existing players to quickly get in to alternative play styles.

 Basic Training

The basic training mode lets beginners and veterans easily get to grips with the games controls.

 Games Academy Expo 2023

Running a booth for the game with my team at Falmouth University's Games Academy Expo 2023. We had done hours of playtesting and balancing throughout development and but this was by far the largest and widest range of players.

The overall gameplay and balance were met with positive responses by players, this was especially true for groups and younger age groups (5-16) where our game shined.

 Skills Used

·       Pixel Art

·       Level Design

·       Combat Systems PvP & PvE

·       2D Player controller  

·       Game Systems Balancing

·       Character Balancing

·       Teams Systems

·       Scoring Systems

·       Programming (C#)

·       Unity

·       VFX

·       2D lighting

·       Leadership skills

·       Project Management (Trello)


While producing this team prototype game, I discovered many new skill VFX, lighing in addition, it supported previously learnt skills such as level design, character design UI & UX design and programming. 

What went well

·    The overall game was easy to understand, how to play and enjoy.


·    Being a team project meant I gained skills across the game development from other team members  and where able to utilise existing skills, which broadened my understanding of other disciplines, will improving my own.

·    Being a team leader I was able to learn and develop key skills that I would like to use in the future.

What could be improved 

·    This is only a local multiplayer game at this point and I feel this would greatly benefit online multiplayer. 

In addition, this project will allow me to take the game through a complete development cycle from pitch, prototype, production, and shipment. In conclusion, this was a successful team project which I am work on take this to steam with a full release.